Wednesday, July 4, 2012

connecting to Source

Hello Fellow Travelers,
Messages abound during this most potent time. The messages I have been receiving from Spirit have been direct and focused for my own personal journey. When deciding which message to share with you I was directed to remind myself and others of the importance of having a clear, direct, open, strong connection to Source.
The Source I speak of here is known by many names. It is not important what name you use. What is important is that you realize and understand that Source is a part of you.If you are not tapping into this inner wellspring, then there is no better time than the present.
At the present time, the State I live in is burning. The physical State is alive with the element of fire. The fire has a will and mind of its own. It hops, skips, jumps and burns whatever is in its path. The element of water which stops fire is scarce. The element of wind is fierce, adding fuel to the fires and unexpected terror in the hearts of many. We are fighting with the powerful energy of nature to save homes, land and lives. Fear hangs heavy upon us all in the form of thick smoke. We do not know what each day will bring. It depends upon the elements.
Experiencing the fires raging and the unexpected flaring of panic and fear ignites within me remembrances of times past when I was rendered helpless at the force and power of nature.
These experiences are common amongst us. There is not rhyme or reason for them at first. Just an overpowering sense that we are so small in the face of the power of nature or source. These experiences are life changing. The way we choose to change in the face of such powerful trauma and upheaval is entirely personal.
These experiences usually come upon us suddenly and unexpectedly. We may have a sense or a feeling of their approach and may even be warned, yet nothing prepares us for the full experience, until we are in it. Take a moment to bring into your awareness such occurrences in your life. These experiences forever changed the course of your life. That, is what is occurring for so many of us right now. We are experiencing deep changes that rock the core of our lives. Change us forever.
They call us to question who we are, what be believe in, what we call important. We can answer these questions now or go to sleep under the heavy weight of the smoke.
To wrap up this message, you are being guided to go within. Connect to your inner guidance system and create your haven within you. The peace you seek is there. The moments of calm are there. The answers for your own growth and healing are there. We do not always see these intense periods of upheaval coming, yet when they are upon us, once the frantic mind calms, we have a place to go.
If you are reading this, you are called to be a "light unto yourself" Cultivate your inner riches. Go within, quiet the fear and just breath. Even this is difficult right now with the heaviness of the toxic smoke in the air, yet it is what will always strengthen you. Connect with your understanding and knowing of source. Connect with Spirit, the Ancestors, Angels, Guides, God, Goddess. Feel the energy of source~the unconditional love raining down on you and filling your whole being. Do this often. Even if and especially when your mind wants to go to the disaster or the problem. Call on source and take a moment, many moments to feel the presence and the power of that which you are made of ~ Spirit, Life Force Energy, Source~ the same energy that gives life, takes away life, burns within the fires, lives in the wind, the water and all. This source lives within you. You are learning to work with it instead of against it or in fear of it.
If you need assistance in connecting during this time or re-focusing, please reach out. There are many who are here for you. I am one. I have and continue to cultivate my inner life to see me through many upheavals. I believe in and know the power of Source in my life and in the lives of others. I see it and feel it pulsing through the disaster and the fear. It appeared yesterday as a rainbow in the eastern sky.
True power is the power of Love, the power of the eternal and limitless, the power of Spirit and Source.
Make this connection to source strong, direct, clear and powerful. It is your lifeline.


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