Hello Everyone~
The beginning of November finds me in a whole different place! How about you?
Physically I am in a different place. I am visiting my daughter and her family. She gave birth to her second child (my third grandson), Cody David on October 25. Welcome Cody!
I make my home in Northern Colorado, she, in Northern Virginia. Two very different places, with very different energies. Northern Virginia, also known as Washington DC Metro area, used to be my home. So, coming back here for a visit, reminds me of a time past. Yet, the birth of a child~new energy~reminds me that new life is always available to us.
This leads me to the messages for November.
Wrapping up the past, and readying for the new.
It is time to once again "wrap it up", "let it go", "move on" "release", "It's a wrap!" In other words. It's over.
What relationship, attitude, belief, pattern, structure, are you ready to "wrap up"? Or rather, you are needing to wrap up. You may not feel ready, but now's the time.
This theme of letting go and release is a common one when on the spiritual path. So if you have heard it from me before, you will hear it again. It is time to let go of something that does not serve you. To make room for that which does.
What happens is, as we travel the spiritual path, we are required to lead with our hearts, spirit and essence, and we thus are simultaneously bringing to the surface the areas in which our ego self, or lower self, has had the lead. This may manifest as confusion, inner conflict, depression, fear or anxiety. On our spiritual path, there can not be two leaders. One has got to take a back seat and I vote for your spirit to lead and your ego to get on in the back. When confusion, inner conflict, depression, fear or anxiety show up, that is a clue that something is ready to be released.
One way of being clear about what you are ready to wrap up now, is to take five minutes right now and connect with your self. This exercise will take five (or ten) minutes, so be prepared. Find time to be alone, get out your pen and paper and shut off all external distractions. Start your five minutes by doing some deep breathing. Deep breathing is the best way to quickly shift your inner landscape and open the channel to your inner wisdom. Connecting with your breath and relaxing. Next, tune into your body. Notice the nagging area of pain or discomfort in your body. Something that has been chronic. Put your focus there for a moment. If there is nothing nagging in your body, focus on your mind. What are the thoughts that are constrictive, restrictive and chronic. Just notice. Then pose these questions and write down what you hear, sense or feel. Allow your imagination (your inner guidance) to assist you.
1. When do I remember first feeling or thinking this?
2. What was going on in my life then?
3. Is it still true? (meaning is the original cause still in your life?)
4. If yes, then it is time to face the fear, truth, challenge, or opportunity for growth.
5. If no, then it is time to "wrap it up".
This is a simple, yet effective way to become more self aware, more grounded in your truth and to put your Spirit self into the drivers seat. Everything is an opportunity for growth. Even negative thoughts and pain in our bodies. Each opportunity comes to you in a unique fashion, with insights, answers and keys found within you.
Enjoy this exercise.
In closing I will share a story and present you with a challenge.
In returning to this part of the country in which I do not have fond memories of, I was personally challenged to grow my soul. It is time to wrap up that chapter in my life. Clearly.
How? I asked my guidance, I wrote and then I walked. I asked for clarity, healing and focus. Here is what I met on my walk: A Buddhist Monk, a baby snake, a hawk, the half moon, a dragonfly and one lone pink rose. All signs that my spirit was leading the way, all would be well and I am loved. The Buddhist Monk and I had seen each other out for our daily walks a few times already. He stepped aside as we approached each other, smiled his shy smile and allowed me to pass. I felt honored, loved and appreciated.
The baby snake made its way across the sidewalk in the residential area I was walking. I love snakes, snake medicine is in play for all of us now. Shedding and releasing the old! The baby snake brings new life.(like my newborn grandson)
I am also sure that this is not the time of year for baby snakes to be born! This is a true miracle letting me and all of you reading~
"Anything is possible when we trust our spirit and work hand in hand with the divine."
The moon was shining brightly as I walked- in the late afternoon- half moon brings in a little bit of full moon celebration energy and a little bit of new moon introspection. The moon is waxing from a new Scorpio moon (releasing, shedding, going deep into the darkness of the emotional waters) into a full Taurus moon (grounded, stable, prosperous and optimistic).
The hawk flew over the moon as I stared. Hawk brings new perspective, a higher view!
Great energy to call in when you are contemplating what you are "wrapping up."
The dragonfly has long been an important totem for me. She flew past me as I neared my daughter's home. She brings the energy of joy and "seeing beyond the illusion". The old illusion I lived in was not supportive of my spirit. My life is very supportive of my spirit now.
Finally the rose~ one single pink rose on a bush in front of a home I passed. The rest of the bush had long since dead buds and brown, scraggly leafless stems. But one beautiful pink rose was perfect in its glory.
You are perfect as you are.
My challenge to you is to take note of the signs you see as you "Wrap up the Past and Ready for the New." What will the divine energy show you?
Remember I am here as a resource and I want to hear your stories. Feel free to share them here- this blog has a place for comments, book a session or discuss in journaling class.
Live your life Sacredly Inspired.
Love and blessings,
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