Hello Everyone,
December 1, 2011. Countdown of holiday madness! In order to point us in the direction of being the creators of our life, let's take some time to really think about this.
How would you like the next 31 days to go for you? I have some messages that are coming straight from the heart of Gaia (the divine energy of the Mother Earth) as well as from the angelic presence of the heavens, AND me.
That is how this all works. We open our hearts and minds and connect to the energy of divine inspiration and see where it all takes us. Back to our every day life we then go, implementing the ideas and inspirations we get when we open ourselves to our highest version of ourselves.
Easier said than done? Well, I can tell my magical muse is at work right now because this message to all of you is lighthearted, fun and whimsical. That is the theme I chose for my next 31 day experience.
What would you like to experience for the next 31 days? What is important to you right now in your life? What theme would say "I value me".
Some themes might be : Joy, Peace, Love (of course) but what about Freshness (thanks Jen)? There is no end to the theme you can come up with and also no end to how you might incorporate this theme.
I would like to get a dialogue going about ideas to incorporate your theme, so once you have a theme, Email me or post it here and we will connect each other. We will have one big theme support system. mary@inspirationstotheheart.com
To pick your theme, get into a comfortable place. Take a few moments, close your eyes and breath, deeply. Inhale to the count of four and exhale and do this four times. Now read this quote and put yourself there.
"Look with the eyes of your soul, interpret with the love of your heart, act without reason, but instead with intention, and live every moment with passion."
Looking with the eyes of your heart at your life, what do you see? Interpreting what you see, with love, how do you feel? Acting with intention instead of "because he made me feel this way or "she said I should, etc" and Living every moment with Passion- Heart +Feeling+vibration+exuberance+truth. What is your theme for this time of year?
Mine is Fun, (and lightheartedness and whimsy)
Now, go and share your theme with those in your life and even with those not in your life, but that you might want in your life or that you pass on the street, or see with the eyes of your heart.
I am in gratitude for all of you for being able to share my divinely inspired ideas!
Much love and keep in touch. There is another channeled assignment each week!
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