Monday, March 19, 2012

welcoming spring

Mary offers private sessions and workshops designed to assist you in living an inspired life!
Reiki Classes and Sessions
Intuitive Guidance/Readings

Intuitive Guidance
Each session is an opportunity to recieve insight, information and practical strategy. Open to the direction and guidance of your true inner self.

Journaling to the Heart Weekly Class
Monday OR Tuesday Evening
Drop in's Welcome
7-9pm Fort Collins
For more info or to sign up go to click

Reiki Sessions
Reiki Certification
What is Reiki and how can it add to my life?
Reiki is an ancient healing art handed down from Master to Student in a sacred internal way. If you are considering learning Reiki and attuning to the life force energy in this way, please be informed. Reiki may be added to other healing modalities easily and safely. It is most importantly a powerful tool on your path of awakening and self transformation.
If you would like to know if learning Reiki is for you, please contact Mary.

Grandmothers Speak Circle
Sunday April 15 10 am Join us for an hour with the Divine Feminine Energy of the Grandmothers. Cast the net of light, and join in the healing of the planet.(no charge) RSVP Mary 970-232-9024
Connect With Us
Mary D'Agostino
Inspirations to the Heart

Message of Inspiration Monday March 19, 2012
"When our mind and soul are unified in complete agreement, our visions manifest easily and effortlessly. The fastest way to unite mind and soul is to love every aspect of our being."
Yes, that sounds so good in print! Yet, how do we do this? How do we love every aspect of ourselves, even the aspects that are difficult or scary, or truly annoying!
This is the heroine/hero's journey. To go out into the world, in search of our fortune, a truth or our desires. To grow, change, and to love ourselves through it all. Sometimes we know what this deep desire is, this longing and need that takes us out of our comfort zones over and over and sometimes we don't know what prompts us.
The longing and prompt is our soul's secret. The secret longing is to experience unconditional love of our self. In our perfection and imperfection. In our shadow and in our light. To love it all. This takes true courage! This is the soul's journey. The Heroine's Journey!
Let's take our soul's on a journey this spring~ a journey of celebration and honor of Gaia's re-birth after a long slumber, as well as our own re-birth after a year of Journey.
Get out pen and paper and prepare to be amazed! Go back to one year ago. Remember what you were doing then. What seeds did you plant? Like the spring bulbs that return as flowers year after year, once they have been planted, so too do our soul's longings and desires return. What did you plant a year ago that is coming up out of the fertile earth? Look around your life. Look deep within. What idea, gift, creative expression, energy, opportunity is presenting itself to you. What is starting to take form in your life, because you have looked at the aspects of yourself that may have been hard to love, as well as easy to love.
In order to assist you in finding this new spring growth take some time to write about your longings, dreams, desires from last year. Remember especially those aspects of your life or yourself that you were "tired of, bored with, done with and fed up with." The aspects that were in need of a "death" or "transition".
What was stirring last spring. What have you watered, fed, nourished and cared for? What lay dormant this past winter that is now ready to be re-born? Be generous with yourself as you reflect. It may not be apparent on the outside of your life, but the growth is there. Still in bud form, small and seemingly fragile. The new life is there. It may be small, yet it is not fragile and it is not insignificant.
You have been on a magnificent journey this past year! You have conquered many mountains, and you are now in a new phase. What would you like to name this phase?

Celebrate the new life, the renewal, change, cleansing, and creation that is YOU~! Celebrate with Gaia. Thank her for being your companion on your Heroine's journey ~
and by all means, thank your Self!
Love and blessings,

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