Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Change Fear

Message of Inspiration Friday March 30, 2012
"Don't fear change, change fear."
This was a recent facebook post I found. Many commented on this, so here goes...
Let's delve into this a bit more, shall we?
Change is a part of the human experience. Resisting change is resisting life. Life is ever moving. It never stands still, so if we do not like change or resist it or fear it, we are pushing against life. This keeps all good things away, like love and wealth and health. But sooner or later, we realize that it is impossible to keep change at bay.
What is it that you want and do not have right now? Take a moment to answer this. Now, look beneath that, what is beneath that?
What if you knew that change will bring that something to you? It will. Trust change. Change is what you have been wishing for. Even if that wish is that all the good in your life never leaves. What if you instead asked that even more good comes to you. That all the good get even better? And all the things you do not like goes the way of change...
Fear . Fear lets us know that we are up against something that will expand us, assist us and give us that something we have been looking for. Also, sometimes, fear is a warning. When fear is a warning, we can take proper action to keep ourselves safe. Fear is not the monster we think it is. We can use fear, just like any other emotion or feeling. To assist us in understanding ourselves better.
In order to assist us in understanding ourselves better, I asked for the assistance of the animal medicine cards.
The messages that were shared are quite clear. Fear is usually an illusion in our own minds based on something we don't understand. Take another look. Is the fear grounded in reality? Do you need to ask for clarity? What is it that you are really fearing. Fear can be looked at as our "go to" emotion. When we are confused, we go into fear. And that is a very stuck place to reside. To release yourself from the fear, ask; " What is the secret hidden message here? What am I really afraid of?" The answer will usually be something quite human in nature, like " I just love my child so much, I never want anything to happen to him/her." or "I really want to be loved..."
The fear feeling can and may be a call from our inner child. We then may take action and do something very kind and loving to calm ourselves, reassure ourselves. No matter how old you are, we always need the reassurance of a wise and comforting inner voice. Take some action and be that for yourself. Learning to be that wise inner, unconditionally loving guide and teacher for yourself is power in action.
Lastly, life changes all the time, every day in every way. Nothing ever stays the same. If you can see the possibilities in this view of life, it may assist you in using the energy of change in a way that benefits you. Taking responsibility for your dreams, desires, goals and visions requires that something change. Instead of viewing change from the perspective of -something is being taken away from you, view change as something is given unto you. Something you have been asking, wishing, hoping for and dreaming of!
Invite in change and when you do, know that fear comes along. Have dinner and drinks with fear, ask what is really going on? You might just find out that you love change and that you want it to go slowly so you can savor it. Whatsoever you find out by entertaining change, be sure to make a toast to your vulnerability and have compassion for your human-ness, and love love love yourself!
Have a blessed weekend.

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