Recently I wrote about how the shootings here in Colorado brought me to my knees. Here it is two weeks later and I feel the eerie absence of talk of the shootings. A few days ago, I was realizing that I was holding onto a vague feeling of wanting to flee. Wanting to move, change locations, uproot myself. I did not really want to move, but was not sure what this energy was pointing to for me. "Follow the energy" was the advice given to my by my trusted friend. I followed the energy and found that as a sensitive being, I was still processing the sadness, shock and grief from the recent tragedies that occurred in close physical proximity to my home. Instead of fleeing, what I really needed was to become more grounded, more rooted in the energy of quiet and stillness, connect to source and give myself time and space to continue to process.
I urge you as you read this post, to pay close attention to your energy at this time. After a crisis we oftentimes want to resort to what we call "spiritual bypass" this can show up as the immediate decision to "forgive" and "forget". This may get us through the most devastating of times, and it surely helps us out of some horrific situations, yet we must realize that the energy must go somewhere. The energy of fear, panic and dread was emitted with great force at the time of the shooting and for a time afterwards. A few weeks earlier, similar panic, fear and dread were emitted when many people and animals were fleeing for their lives due to the wild fires. The energy has to go somewhere.
Be aware of yourself as energy beings. Honor the feelings that are hiding or clinging. Root them out, look at them, follow the energy. If you feel tired, rest. If you feel energized, do something creative. Connect to source- the light, God, the Divine, Nature. Ask your guidance for the best way to support yourself as the old leaves and the new is on the horizon. This will ensure that during these times of fast moving energy, constant change, media deluge and hyper-sensitivity, that you are giving yourself what it is you personally need to be riding the waves of change. There is a great transformation occurring. Collectively and individually. This change includes moving from operating in density to operating with much more openness and awareness of ourselves as spiritual beings in a human body. Even our bodies are changing. They are changing to support ourselves in our spiritual lives.
Love yourself through this change, know you are safe and supported. Always.
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