Sunday, August 26, 2012

choice to change

Hello Fellow Travelers,
Summer is quickly coming to a close. Quickly because at the beginning of the week I looked very carefully to see how much summer was left. I saw trees touting pure green! Then today there it was, evidence of the changing energy. Bright red leaves on the burning bushes, bright orange leaves alive within the green of the trees.
I was sad for a moment. I love the summer warmth. We do not have many months of summer in Colorado. We have many months of winter. The sun still shines, yes, but most of nature is quiet and either asleep or scurrying out only to find food. I love to walk each and every day and be greeted by butterflies, dragonflies, bees, snakes and various birds. This makes my heart sing.
Change is upon us. Change is always upon us, sometimes it is more evident than not.
At this time I invite you to welcome change. Change is sometimes scary because we don't know what is on the other side. Yet, we never really know what is on the other side. Not all at once, not from the current vantage point. We can not know in that way. But change can be broken down into do-able steps. We can make choices, one step at a time. One day at a time.
It might help us at this time of intensifying change, to see what has occurred in our life over the last few months that constitutes change. What has changed shape or form for you over the last few months? What has begun or ended? What viewpoint has shifted for you? What has changed within your life that has you one more step closer to consistent happiness or inner peace or a sense of purpose?
Take a step back from the routine of your life and take a few moments to sit and reflect on the changes that have occurred over the last few months that you did not even realize were occurring. Take note of your choices - the ones you made that were healthy for you or in your best interest. Notice that each choice made by you, however small, contributed to the changes that occurred. Congratulate yourself and revel in the moment. This is awareness.
Change is perhaps not as daunting when we realize that it occurs in small, consistent steps. That whether or not we called forth the change knowingly or if it was "thrust" upon us, we may break it down into "do-able" pieces. We may make one choice at a time in the direction of our desires. We may add consciousness, awareness and purpose to the experience of change.
Awareness and reflection assist us in the constant cycles of change. Step by step, choice by choice we become willing participants on the journey of life.

Many blessings,


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