Thursday, September 27, 2012

When love is all you have

All we need is love, all we have is love, love is the answer, love heals all...

Love as I know it to be true, is the essence of life force energy. It is a substance that you can not physically see as a form, yet is the source of life.

It is deeply buried within most, as if it is a commodity that one can loose or gain, if only you know the "right" way. It is thrown around by some in order to gain approval, or to control and influence others. Yet, that which we seek to control or manipulate with, hold back, spend, deny or otherwise be careless with, is not love. Love is not a commodity. It is an energy, yet in its fullness it can not be comprehended and dealt with as a commodity.

It is much more than that, a mystery of sorts, a deep, rich, powerful, timeless, eternal, mystery with many facets-healing, answering, awakening,nurturing, calming, soothing, connecting. Love is the energy of the Divine. It is the calling card of the Creator Spirit.

How has this kind of love-true love- affected your life?

There was a time in my own life when all I had was love and in that moment I was able to touch the power of the energy of love in a way that had been formerly elusive to me.

At this time in my life I had given birth to my third child, a son. Seemingly healthy, a time for great rejoicing. The love that is emitted from a new born baby can not help but affect everyone in the vicinity. and most especially his mother! The love that I have experienced for and from my children- each one - as they entered the world, is Divine love. It's purity is its power. I am blessed to have experienced this overwhelming purity of love each time I gave birth. This time however, this love was to be my lifeline.

Love as a lifeline. Have you ever experienced love as a lifeline?

When my newborn son was about 12 hours old, the news came to me. I knew somewhere inside of me that this news would come, yet I was not prepared in the least to hold this devastating information. That is when love stepped in.

I was told my son had a serious heart defect, would need open heart surgery and would be immediately transferred to the hospital in the city via ambulance. What followed was a flurry of activity that culminated with me at his side in the pediatric intensive care unit in a major California Hospital. I heard the words come through the cacophony of medical terminology like a bullet to my chest "your baby is very sick."

This is when love stepped in again.

I sat for hours at his side, touching him when the tubes and medical devices did not allow for holding. I held him and nursed him when I was able. I kept hearing the phrase "the healing power of touch". I did not know where it came from then, now I know it was the energy of love communicating to me. Directing me to touch my baby and it was through this touch that love would pass.

I held, touched and nursed my son, or I just stood and watched him. Before, during and after his surgery all I had was love.

The unconditional, pure, powerful love that I knew as a mother was only the starting point for the power of love that I got to know in those moments when my son's life was in the hands of others.

When all I had was love, I used it with all my might. I felt it surging through me. My heart was summoning it, for me and for my baby. I felt held in it as I held him. I breathed it in when the panic started to overwhelm me. I rested in it when my tired eyes would not stay open one moment longer. I drank it in with each morsel I ate. It gave me sustenance. Love gave me moments of sanity in the insanity of a hospital full of sick children. The love I experienced from the source of all love was truly what kept me alive. This is love.

When all we have is love, in times like these, when nothing, absolutely nothing gives you a sense of what is right in the world, all we can do is turn to love. Turn into love, be the love, open to love, feel the love, share the love, allow the love to heal, sustain. In times like these it is time to get to know the energy of love coursing through your veins, pumping through your body, mind and spirit.

This love may be brought to us, opened or remembered through the love we have for our children our lover, our friends, yet it is not them, nor is it from them. Love is a given, it is the material we are made of. It is free. It is the well that is within you, connected to the greater well of the source of all that is. You know this love, we all know of it.
Remember this love in times when you need to return home to the source within you.

All we ever have is love and this rich, deep, profound life force energy is available to each and every one of us at all times.



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