Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ask for what you need

Thank you to all who attended the Open House! The theme was gratitude and blessings and I know everyone who was there was showered with the energy of gratitude and blessings. Even if you did not attend in body, I hope you feel the gratitude and blessings that I have for you!

I am asking for all of you reading this to make a commitment to yourself right now to feel gratitude and blessings and may this feeling spur you on in these last few weeks leading up to the end of this most auspicious year.

Asking for what we need is one way to open the door to the supportive, clear, new energy. For if we do not ask, then how can it makes it's way to us?

The old way of thinking for many of us is that to ask is selfish, or presumptuous. I say that to not ask is selfish and presumptuous. Selfish in that if you do not ask, you are denying the Universe and all of us who are a part of the Universe, from assisting you in having your needs met.

To not ask is presumptuous, it is withholding. When you do not ask or keep your yearnings and desires to yourself, you are presuming that 1. others will just know what you need 2. that others do not want to help.3. there is not enough help, you do not deserve, etc, etc.

Asking nips presumption, assumption and selfishness in the bud. It opens up a channel from
you to the Universe and everyone and everything that is a part of this vast Uni-Verse, such as people, nature, plants, animals, the elements, the realms of angels, fairies, saints, sages, guides, Divine Intelligence, Mother Earth, etc, etc... Asking puts all of this on your side!
Otherwise your needs, wants and desires are just floating around with no place to land. They float around hit or miss, just existing.

Use the power of your fifth chakra, the power of your will, connected to your seventh chakra, the power of the Divine and add a healthy dose of heart chakra, the power of your heart.
Don't be afraid to ask. Your heart will guide you.
Many, many blessings,

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