Saturday, December 15, 2012

you are urgently needed

Hello Fellow Travelers,

In response to the massacre that occurred I have sent out the email message yesterday. It is below. Today another message is here for you. I trust that you will find solace, right action, understanding or whatsoever you need at this time. Know that we all have suffered from this event and we all can find the healing we need and be active participants in the healing of the planet. It is the only way.

Healing requires that we stand in love and claim love, yes, and it also means that we look at wherever violence is prevalent in our own life. Are our thoughts violent? Our actions? Violence is greed, jealousy, anger, hate, aggression, meanness. You might be mightily surprised to see how it plays out in your own mind each day.

The healing occurs at the root level, in our own hearts and you can start the healing NOW by forgiving yourselves for the violence that you have perpetrated against yourself through thoughts and actions that are not loving. Forgive yourself for the violent thoughts and actions we have against others. We must come to a place of deep release of this pattern in our collective consciousness and "let it go" through forgiveness.

There are opportunities right here and right now to forgive, and free ourselves once and for all from the collective pattern of violence and the suffering it has caused us personally and collectively. You will not have to look far, to choose love and forgiveness over anger and hate. Please do it now!

As you do, know that you are freeing the spirit of love to bring in a new pattern, one in which all are held in healing. One in which we are our true selves, loving and kind, like innocent, yet wise children.

My heart is open, it embraces all of you. Keep the faith in your connection to the Divine, be in the healing energy for yourselves and others,and know you are the light and the change that we desperately need. Come closer to each other during this time, in openhearted love.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~December 14

Hello Fellow Travelers,

It was two short days ago that we gathered to open our hearts and share in our personal and collective visions for peace, abundance, love...

I urge you now, in spite of the tragedy that has occurred today (and every other act of violence that has or will occur) to stay put within the energy of your open heart. It is imperative that you strengthen your own inner light and love and resolve. It is important to not go into fear, but to be the pillar that you are. To stand firm on holy ground, the holy ground of your open heart.

Take a stand on holy ground. From wherever you are make a claim and take a stand. Claim that love is stronger than hate, that violence in any form and every form is no longer acceptable. Claim that the only true power is love and that wherever, however you can from your stand upon holy ground, claim that you stand in the name of love. And that the only tolerable energy for you in every area of your life is LOVE.
Healing love goes out to all on this day, may all be wrapped in love and light from every corner of the earth. May all of you be bathed in love and light. Stay clear of undue fear in the wake of the most recent tragedy, send love, send healing, open to receive the love and healing, but whatever you do stand firm in your open heart. Do what you can and keep standing on holy ground.

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