Since the world as we know it has ended and the New has begun I am sharing here some ways to spend your time/prepare/be in celebration over the next few days.
Take time to meditate or pray, connecting with your inner light, your inner riches. Spend more time than usual.
As you are praying or meditating, imagine yourself connected to the heart of the Universe. Feel this heart as a great opening of love and light. There is a channel open, greater and wider than before that is rich with information just for you. This information can be the answers to your most innermost questions and/or needs. It is the channel of the Divine, Source, Creator, the I am, Consciousness. Whatsoever you call it and however you see it. It is now available at greater speed ~high-speed interconnection, so to speak.
Please take this time just for yourself over the next few days, as this will be a personal time, ripe with messages, insights, healings, love and an overall sigh of relief for many. And, be very gentle with yourself in this energy. Your own inner wisdom, authentic self, or higher self is now able to lead your life like never before. Pay attention to the messages you receive from your higher self. And Celebrate the simple things over the next few days. Celebrate being alive, a good meal, laughter, a smile, a hug. Celebrating in this way assists you in absorbing the energy of love and light.
Keep it simple and take time to devote to your spirit. You will be glad that you did.
I appreciate and am grateful to all of you for inviting me into your lives. I usually send out emails once perweek, but wanted to be sure that this most important time did not go unnoticed. Celebrate in faith, love and peace! And know that in the New world, we get to celebrate over and over and over...
Many blessings,
December 19 message
Here goes..."the end of the world." by Mary.
I hope the world as we have known it is ending. I think it is, I feel the rumbling.In fact I am sure it is. The end has shown itself as of late as very ugly energies rearing up and lashing out, taking down beauty in its wake.
So, yes, I hope that world is ending. I think it is, I am sure it is, for I also hear the rumbling of the new world. I feel it deep in my bones. This rumbling has shaken us, deep within our bones, our cells, our whole beings. It has awakened us. We are awakened and we stand tall and firm in our resolve. I see it all around me, the world as I know it has ended.
What we have known as a way of life that has been destructive and debilitating for our whole planet is ended. The great peace leaders of our recent past have been holding this vision all along. No more militarism, racism, materialism (Dr. MLK) No more violence (Gandhi). Peace and unity where their message. They are no longer here on the planet earth, but we are! We are all left holding the power, the way and the knowing of exactly what we can do to plan, build and restructure our world. Our new world!
You do not have to look far. Instead of fretting about the end of the world, I suggest you look in the mirror and ask yourself. What can I do right now to make my world, my inner world, my family, community, a more loving place? You are the answer. You are the change.
So Yes, the world as we knew it has ended and in its place are all of you. Stepping up in your own worlds, claiming peace and love and forgiveness as a way of life. Seeking out help and support,( and we will truly need that) It is a new way. Each person being held up by others as they heal their pain, forgive completely and step up and out and hold space for others to follow.
My friend Aricia explained it like this: "in the new energy we will be given say...$100 and then we will give another who is in need $120, then they will give the next person they meet that is in need $200 and the giving and sharing will grow exponentially" Yes, I agree! This is the new world paradigm. We give and are given more until everyone is taken care of, provided for and the way of life is to give, not hoard and worry about our safety and fear for our well-being. Think about that next time you want to share a hug or a message of kindness or a smile. Share profusely, not ever to your detriment, but to your own joy. Watch how this new paradigm fills you instantly!
The new world has now erupted, like a volcano spewing its energy everywhere, covering over the old, taking out the hatred not by force and not by greed, power over others, war or killing. No this rumbling volcano is like the fiery Goddess Pele. She erupts and says, no more, it is time, all on board,(and there is room for all) we are riding over the old, clearing out the hatred and in its wake she leaves dark, fertile ash. Where the new can grow. In the new world, we each individually bring in love, light, patience, kindness, compassion, joy, love,(the double whammy) peace. We all do our part, from wherever we are and whatever it is we have gifts and skills in. We profusely live our parts, we express our love, it is as easy as that. What is your New World Skill? Name it, claim it and live it.
The new world is where love and light and respect and equality, freedom and all good things are the only things that grow. There is room for everyone and just show up as you need to do anything special, just be you. Although shiny new red shoes are always good.
So that is how I see the end of the world.
And the Beginning of the New...
I reside in the new world, see you there.
Love and blessings,
Starting in January We will meet on each new and full moon for Gathering in the Light Celebrations. Connect to Source, channel the energies of love and light, connect to the Moon and her messages. Receive your own personal messages and healings. January 26 7-9 pm is our first gathering.
The Giving Corner. You will find it on the bottom left corner of this newsletter with more info on my website regarding The Heart of Gaia Foundation. If you feel called, join in and give! I chose these three organizations because they provide food, safety, shelter, and education. The need is great at this time for us to help our fellow travelers in any way we feel called. Let me know if you have a suggestion, I will add it to the Giving Corner.
In the meantime, know that you are all held in the Net of Light, blessed, and a blessing to me, and all those that you touch. Find your heart's messages for this time, follow the messages and share however you shall be called.
Peace, joy, cooperation and harmony to all of you!
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