This weeks message is inspired by the energy of the full moon, lunar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. The messages here are always about love, inspiration and hope and it is in these intense times that those three attributes are greatly needed. In order to ride with the changing tides, we are called to examine how love, inspiration and hope are present in our lives.
Where is the love?
The full moon is asking you to seek it out and find it, but in order to find it we must delve deep into the uncharted waters of our inner world. Where is that love hiding? Under the rock of a wounded heart, some unfelt grief, a mistake made, a misunderstanding?
Coax out the love by taking a trip into the past to find a time when you have loved and supported yourself so much that you have risen out of the ashes like the Scorpio Phoenix? Think of a time in your life when you stood up for yourself, what you believed in, and made a change that bettered yourself. In a big or small way. All of you have experienced such a time.
Remember when you did that and do it again. Now. For yourself. Stand up for yourself in some area of your life, round the inner troops of self love, compassion, courage and strength and feel yourself rising. Rising up like the phoenix and soaring like the Eagle.
Whatever binds you and holds you back from a new level of freedom is so very loose now that you could just shake yourself very lightly and the chains of old will disappear. And what is freed is Love.
Inspire yourself to remember the love you have for yourself, the road you have traveled and the many chains of self limiting beliefs that you have shaken off. Inspire yourself to shake it up again. Today. Whatever is hanging on by a thread, and does not belong in your reality any more, shake it off.
Rise up and out and soar.
As you soar, look around your life and see where this fiery energy of inspiration is needed. Use it to soar even higher and have a new view of your life. Clear and clean. A great vista awaits. This is the hope. There is a broader vision that is awaiting you. All you need do is fire up that inner phoenix and go. The air is pure and the view is spectacular.
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