As we traverse our sacred paths, some areas are quite beautiful and serene, easy to navigate and dance through. We feel readily uplifted and inspired, light and free. Expansiveness is the overall feeling of this stretch of road.
Then there is the other experience. We walk, all open hearted and willing and yet we see before us a path strewn with rocks and boulders, slippery and jagged. The walls around this area of our path are high and there is no way out except to go through these treacherous passages. How do we navigate these stretches?
Living a sacredly inspired life does not guarantee that every moment is hassle free and joy filled. On the contrary. Living a sacredly inspired life is full of ups and downs, good feelings and bad feelings.
When there is no way out but up, choose up.
Choosing up is a choice to navigate the rocky, rough patches with Universal Love (Spirit, the Divine) at our side and our Spirit, (Essence, Soul, Higher Self, Authentic Self) in the Lead. What would your Spirit do at a time like this? What are you feeling inside your body? Remember that your Spirit communicates with you through the feelings within your body.
WWYSD What would your Spirit do? Start asking this question of yourself and then follow the directions of your eternal Self.
This is imperative for all of us at this time. Even if you do not think you can hear your Self, try it. Remember your Spirit will never shame you or berate you. Your Spirit is usually very calm and direct. She/He will say things like "go take a walk" or "put down the phone", or "say a prayer" or "eat a good meal".
Trust that your Spirit has your back. That your inner essence is just itching to be seen, heard, and to guide you. Your Spirit is not like your ego however and will never bully or push its way to the front. You must put Her/Him there. Ask for your Spirit to come forward when the going gets rough this week. Ask your Spirit to come forward when the going is great.
Talk to your Spirit (Self) often. People might think you're crazy, but then again, life can be quite crazy, especially in the world that ignores our Spirits and instead insists we listen to the barrage of messages that cater to ego fear, consumerism, materialism, violence, and all form of ism's.
The way to do your part in investing in a world that works is to do your part in your own life, by asking your Spirit to step forward and lead the way. You may be asked to do things that you formerly thought too dangerous, like saying no to things that you don't want to be doing, or saying yes to things you've always wanted to do. This may feel dangerous, but really it your Spirit's answer to a call you have made that is to live a sacredly inspired life, a life true to your Self.
Whenever you call upon your Spirit, this is what you are asking. How do I live a life True to My Spirit? The answers may surprise you and may feel treacherous and dangerous.
When your path feels unimaginably treacherous and dangerous, STOP. Realize that the reason you are feeling so darn fearful is because you do not believe yourself capable of scaling the rocky terrain. You never did learn to mountain climb, boulder or belay (and if you did, this is unlike any crazy pass you have ever encountered.)
"You are not equipped" is the real fear. The real truth is that you are operating Spirit - less, or or Spirit Lite. We are not meant to operate this way, and the good news is that we do not have to continue to operate this way, ever.
Ask your Spirit to assist. She/He will lift you up and give you an aerial view. You will see that there is a way and your Spirit is there with the answer. And the way you will discover the answer is to listen. Ask, listen and see the beautiful Spirit that you are. Become Spirit- full, and Spirit-more.
Ask often, listen often and when you get scared, as we all will (often) lately, know that you are going through what may be called the most exciting and amazing times on this planet. The time is named many things, but we may just call it "the time we all started listening to our Spirits and became Spirit- full... and the world was changed...
Take that aerial view and soar with your Spirit and the Spirits of your fellow travelers. Be filled and be more than you ever imagined.
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