Today we are graced with the energy of the full moon in the astrological sign of Libra. A profound download of energy is being released for all of us to revel in. This download of energy feels very similar to the energy that opened to us from the cosmic heart in December 2012.
The energy of love, inspiration, harmony and balance is is coming right through the full moon and beaming its light onto and into everyone and everything upon our beautiful planet. As this energy is activated from the cosmic heart, it is activating the energy of our own sacred hearts. The experience of a deeper awakening is beckoning to us on the beams of this full moon. The Libra moon is like a lover calling to us to open our hearts, yet as we do, it is calling out something else in us also.
As as it goes with expansion and awakening, there is also a clearing happening.
Anything that is not love, anything uninspiring, disharmonious, unjust, unfair and out of balance is coming up and out of our energy for healing. These energies are most likely old (think decayed) and have been deeply hidden for a long, long time. These energies are sticky and as they come up for release you can feel the doubt, shame and blame that are hanging on for dear life . They are yours, mine and ours types of energy too. Meaning, the junk can be yours or anyone else's you may have had relationship with in this life. All the junk you carried for others is now out of its energetic hiding places within your body too. And that can awaken a whole new level of anger and blame. Yes, this is a deep cleansing process and there is only one thing to do with this yuck that has come up...
Let it go
It is the perfect time to let it go! Ask for guidance, direction and courage in releasing old, dead and dark energies from wherever they have been hiding. Let them come up and out. No need to look too closely at this time to what it is that is coming up. Use your body as your guide, letting it tell you that if it does not feel good, it is not, so just Let it Go. That is all you need to know.
Libra energy can be tricky because in its essence it just wants everything and everyone to get along and to feel good, be good, and not hurt too much. So there may be a tendency to want to stop the process, so remember that you are strong and it is time for another deep let go. It is not time to turn your back on yourself, your process, your awakening and your connection to Source.
Instead, turn into your process, your awakening. Turn into the higher vibrations of these glorious moon beams, beaming to you the energy of love, balance and harmony in all relationships. Let that energy fuel you, sooth you and move you.
Awaken your connection to Source, call for help from the realms of support. Bath in the Full Libra Moon energy to cleanse old stuck emotions around anything and everything, especially that which has been out of balance, unfair or unjust in your life.
The Libra energy is also very supportive of the letting go process at this time, for it contains the alpha and omega which is endings and beginnings. Clearing and readying yourself for new life, new birth , new love, new understanding, and a new relationship with life, bringing all that has been out of balance into a new level of equality, fairness, justice and harmony.
This is happening at the deepest level for all of us. This energy aides us in letting go, because the moment we do, it will feel like the whole universe is conspiring on our behalf. We will feel the harmony playing itself out within our beings and within our environments. We won't remember one bit of the pain, for our focus in now on the love.
Use this energy to support you on your path and know that you are always loved and upheld as the whole and beautiful being that you are.
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