Thursday, March 14, 2013


Spring Equinox Gathering in the Light
Wednesday March 20 7-9 pm
Has your soul been urging you to write?
Channeled Writing Workshop
Thursday April 25, 2013
7-9 pm
Gather in the light of the full moon, connect to your guidance system and write the messages you receive. Mary will guide you on this internal journey of self discovery and connection to your most loving and wise aspect of self
Live your life in alignment with your heart and soul
Intuitive Guidance Sessions
" One of the greatest gifts I have given to myself has been to work with Mary. She has shared her gifts with me, insight, discernment, encouragement and compassion, and in doing so has helped me to listen to my own inner guidance and live a life that has deep meaning and is beautiful for me. I think of Mary as my Spiritual Midwife. I am eternally grateful." Beth C. Maryland

" What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mary D'Agostino
Heart of Gaia Creative Healing Arts
Intuitive Guidance Consultations
Transformational Life Coaching
Reiki Therapy
Reiki Trainings
Journaling Classes
2013 Sacredly Inspired Living Workshops
"open to the wisdom of your heart"
Hello Fellow Travelers,
I hope this message finds you well.
I was reminded yesterday, by a dear friend, of a truth that I whole-heartily believe in. (That is why it is a truth).
Truth resides deep within us, past the doubts and insecurities. Truth just knows, with no explanation. Truth does not always make sense, on the contrary, it rarely makes sense. It is beyond the senses. Truth is not only a place within, it is also an energy or vibration. It's vibration is similar to freedom.
Freedom is the word I use to describe truth, because when you are "in your truth", speak your truth, know your truth, connect with your truth, you are free.
Free from the constraints of anothers opinion or advice, free from the smaller self, free from worry, fears and doubt, free from all matter of outside influence. This is where you find truth and freedom.
Take a moment now to connect with your truth. Remember it is uniquely yours. Sometimes you can name it, other times, it is un-nameable. But you know what it is when you connect.
To connect with truth, take a deep breath and let it out with a sigh, then focus your awareness within. Do this by connecting to the rhythm of your breath. Let the soft, gentle rhythm of your breath connect you to the very still place of truth within you. After a moment or two you will start to feel calmer. This is truth. The place and the vibration.
When we take a moment like this one, we are showing ourselves great respect. It is in these moments that our truth will emerge, and perhaps set us free from a troubling thought or concern, or worry. Our truth always guides us to the next step on our journey, what to do in this moment, and the next.
The truth that I remembered last evening was this. "We are always, always, taken care of. Even when we don't know we are being taken care of, we are."
I carry this truth within and have seen it manifest in outer circumstances over and over again. This is one of those truths that I have no idea how or why I carry it. I just do.
This truth is a part of me that I now proudly and self-respectfully display!
You all have these truths within you. What is your truth? What do you believe in no matter what? What do you know? You may have to coax out your truth, but when you do, leave it out. Don't bury it again, let it reveal to you something that wishes to be revealed. Let it set you free and bring you peace, joy, answers, direction, guidance, or whatever you have been desiring.
On closing, I will share with you how my truth was revealed last evening. I was recounting with my dear friend how I met the healer and teacher who has meant so much to me over the years. Thirteen years ago, during a healing crisis, not knowing where to turn, I was desperate to find someone to assist me. New to Colorado, I opened the phone book and saw her inconspicuous photo. She looked like I could trust her, so I chose her to help me. She did and is still a vital part of my life today. The most amazing thing is that unbeknown st to me our lives had crossed paths many times before we met. We were from different states, with different life directions, yet somehow, years ago when we were just children our paths began interweaving and have continued ever since, in ways that are profound and nothing short of divine intervention.
The most important aspect of this story is this. That each time I learn of another way that our lives intertwine a deeper level of understanding and truth is revealed. The latest is thus: That I have and always will be watched over, taken care of and loved, even when it seems not, most especially when it seems not.(and I KNOW you are too)
So two messages come forth for all of you from today's writing. 1. Whatsoever is true for you, connect with it, let it guide you, set you free, run with it, go with it, heed it and become it.
2. We are always loved, guided, watched over, taken care of.
Don't just take my word for it, go within, remember when this has been true for you and watch it manifest once more for you as you travel, your path.
Love and blessings,

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