Thursday, March 7, 2013

New Energies~Gathering in the Light

Hello Fellow Travelers,
How are you faring during this most challenging, yet auspicious time? Each moment is bringing its changes, transformations, transmutations, births, deaths, alignments, releases and other such intense shifts of body, mind, emotions and soul.
During this time when the moment is so vital and our connection to Source our only lifeline, I like to remember "I signed up for this!" Yes, in a nutshell this small understanding and knowing comforts me greatly.
Taking the perspective that before coming to earth, as a free spirit, I, along with a group of many other brave souls decided that this time now was a good time to be alive.
The dawning of a new Age, the age of Aquarius, an age when the way of polarity and duality, right, wrong, good, bad, he said, she said, comparison, competition, power over others, was going to be changing. The whole existence of life as we know it on our planet was shedding its skin, so to speak. That is a tall order, for it is in that framework that we have had our security. Things might not be good, but at least we knew where we were in the scheme of things.
Now we have the opportunity to create heaven on earth, to live as if we are in the Garden of Eden., or Nirvana. To experience bliss and to live in the energies of divine love, connection, and creation while inhabiting our beautiful physical vessels. This sounds "heavenly" yet what so many of us are finding is that it requires a deep let go. A surrender. This surrender is required in order to build new structures that support a new way.
Seeing surrender as a softening, a merging, and a connection can help immensely during this time. Fueling ourselves with the energy of divine love, unconditional and supportive can also help.
The way to navigate this time is to do our own inner work, releasing the burdens we have carried, the pain, emotional traumas and all that does not serve our joy AND surrender into the oneness, all that is, wholeness!
This has been the inner driving force for many of us for many years. To connect at a deeper, more profound level with our inner light, our awareness and truly living in wholeness. It has been elusive until now. Finding this source, connecting with it, becoming one with our own creator selves, our source is the new structure, if you will.
I am offering to hold space for several gatherings over the next few months that will assist us in opening to the new way, our inner wisdom and guidance, the guidance of our spirit guides, masters and teachers and the energy of light and love. Gatherings that will assist us in releasing the old ways, shedding our old worn out operating system and coming into full expression with our new systems. The system that lives in harmony within and without.
Please view these offerings on the left side of this message!
I send you many blessings of love and light as you journey.


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