Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Love Day

Hello Fellow Travelers,
Happy Day of Love. I think every day should be a celebration of love, don't you?
Imagine a world where every day we give gifts to our loved ones, engage in romantic love, soul love, divine love, friend love, all kinds of love energy, eat chocolate and declare our love in a myriad of ways. And add to this the knowing and understanding that if we are alone, with no apparent love around us, we still celebrate love. Take a bath, a nap, eat chocolate, read a love poem, sing a love song...on and on...
I propose we start a movement. To make every day a day of love. Do something loving for yourself and for others. Feel the shift occur deep within as you turn to love, over and over. Dedicate your days to the celebration of love, however small and your life will change. This is focused intent, manifestation, and the will of your soul. Love.
In honor of love today I have a poem to share
A Time to Give
It is time to give,
for I have been given
so much
And now it is time
to give in return
I have seen pleasure
and sorrow
and defeat
I have seen the joys of life
and watched
the face of death
I have walked
the road
which sometimes seemed
unbearably long
hard and unbending
I have seen it
suddenly become
a path of glory
lush and giving
Whatever I have passed on
has come back
to me
in word and deed
whatever I have given
I have gained
And now
I shall
start the cycle
When you
let me take
I'm grateful
When you
let me give
I'm blessed.
Leonard Nemoy
I am blessed! Happy Love day and Many Love Days forever after.
PS. Consider that you give in so many ways...and open to receive...The love is there, let it fill you.
Last weeks message can be found here

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