Sunday, February 10, 2013

re-routing opportunities

Hello Fellow Travelers,
That which may seem like upsets are merely re-routing opportunities.
Hold on to the truth within your being. Hold fast and hold tight to the only thing worth holding onto at this time- your inner core being, the truth within, your inner light, your soul.
All the rest is falling away. Let it. Let whatsoever is falling away, blocking your light to simply fall. All ideas, intentions, desires, hopes, let them fall as you open to the opportunity to re-route your focus and direction inward.
Taking the time to go within, and enjoy the stillness, the quiet, the timeless aspect of you! It is within this timeless core that all is held. There is nothing for you to do, just be in the stillness for one moment, or two or longer.
Just being with yourself, in the stillness of your core being, in the energy of your divine aspect, your light, your love, your soul, you will soon come to realize that anything on the outside of your life that presents itself is an opportunity to re-route and head in the direction of your true self.
After awhile you will be called to take appropriate action and when you are called, take that action. Reaching out, sharing your self, connecting, creating, loving, communicating, shining, singing, dancing, learning, teaching, whatsoever you are called to do my the deepest aspect of your being, do it.

Then return back into the stillness of your true self.
Enjoy your day, fellow travelers.
Many blessings to you.
PS.There are many ways to support and strengthen this direction inward- meditation(all kinds) self reflection, journaling, yoga, prayer, dance, play, music, therapy, reiki... You will be guided to what supports you now.
Last weeks message Caring for our Energy part I can be found here

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