Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Full Moon in Sagittarius/Lunar Eclipse

This is a full moon/lunar eclipse energy post. As many of you know this is the second of three eclipses in a row. I am called to share the energetic information I am receiving that may assist those of you who like to use the energy of the moon's cycles to assist you in shifting, growing, changing and all around well-being.

I am known to channel Gaia- the messages of the heart and soul of the Mother Earth and now I am called to channel Luna~ the gem of the sky~ our connection to our innermost psyche and the psyche of the Universe! how fun!

First I will talk about the energy and then I will share with you an idea for a ceremony or celebration of this full moon.

Needless to say, the energy has been big and a bit crazy over the last two weeks and will continue. It's not called a shake up for nothing! This is because the shifting of consciousness that we all have been talking about, contemplating and awaiting is truly upon us-still we are surprised when our lives feel like we are surfing a GIANT wave and our feet are barely hanging onto the edge of a teeny tiny surf board.

Hang on and here we go...

Our KNOWING is shifting. What we used to believe and what we used to rely on is not true anymore, thus the feeling of uncertainty or instability is primary for many of us,  even while we diligently make changes. What we know is expanding, not shrinking, it is being directed in a different direction. It is no longer appropriate to know more about that which is no longer important.
I would recommend we look at it as our internal software is outdated and we are needing to update- quick. This change is happening so fast, it is reflected in how many new versions of updates, upgrades, etc we are bombarded with daily in our tecnhological lives. It's like the commercial I recently saw- the person bought the 5.0 version and the minute that it was delivered it was old news.

The energy is insisting we throw away or remove much of our old beliefs. The surety comes when we surrender to this and allow the old to be replaced with the new. And the new, and the new. It will only get better, I promise. If you can surrender as you surf, you will get the "hang" of this new fast moving energy. Fall off, get on, learn, fall off again.

Remember to trust that it will get better and better and the outcome will be "better than you ever expected"  AND remember that you are always loved, guided and supported. In order to get to "better than ever expected" it is demanded that we let go of all that we hold onto that keeps us in a false zone of "safe". Ok, that is why you must remember that you are always loved, supported and guided. Connect with that love and support by connecting to the Moon!  Those messages are the crux of this full moon.

This moon's rays are shining out to you, asking you to BE the philosopher in your life. To be the lover of wisdom, to be a visionary and new thinker. It is asking you to use the gifts that present themselves to you every day- the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, the earth, the people, and mostly the energy. Ask for the energy that you need and want to be delivered unto you. Ask, as you sit under the moon tonight, or tomorrow to be delivered unto a joyful, happy, free, loving life. What are your deepest desires, your highest ideals? Your biggest dreams?

The ceremony is to simply sit outside and see, know and feel yourself taking in the rays of the moon. See her shining light raining down upon you. If it is cloudy, IMAGINE this. You will then feel it.
Key to new software is to first imagine, see, visualize, then ask the Universe, then trust and then know it is on its way to you. Risk (Sagittarius will RISK) to sit with your dreams, ideals, visions and allow them to be in your energy with you. It is time to stop pushing them away for fear, or because of old software that says "you can't", or "it hasn't been done" or "you're wrong".

Under the light of the silver moon you will be downloading the new upgraded software of the new upgraded human~ It gives you messages like "you are beautiful", "you are Divine Love", "You are Love" and most especially, it gives directions like: "live in a heart-centered consciousness now" Open your heart, it is the wave of the future, the answer and the glory. Open your heart, share your heart, reach out to others, share, cooperate, value life, find communion in nature, with others and you will begin to feel very at home in this new energy.

Allow the love in, invite the love in, it is there and Luna is asking you to do it now!

Namaste and thank you~ all of you!

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